Mongol The Rise of Genghis Khan (2007) full movie english subtitles
Recently, some Mongols gathered on a full moon night and decided to invade Europe again. If it worked for them 800 years ago, why wouldn’t it work now?…thought their old tribal chiefs. However, the young people stopped them and sent them to bed, at first they got angry and protested but then they slept very well dreaming gloriously of how they would have conquered us if they had been let go. Nations are like people, sometimes you have nothing the hell to do and you go to bed, please, drink something to dream about but you still end up in bed, and the truth is that the times make the people and not the people the times. As only those unique times created Temugin, the hero of this film, who will become known to us under the frightening name of Genghis-Han. No Mongolian today could do something like that, because times have changed and they have remained backward. The film is very well made, but it must be said that the real Genghis Khan was much more cruel than the one presented idyllically in this semi-historical film, because just like most films do not exactly respect the facts, it also has a slightly supernatural side dubious but normal for those times, therefore, taken together, it is worth seeing more than once.
alt1-> Mongol The Rise of Genghis Khan (2007)
Acu, de curand, cativa mongolii s-au adunat intr-o noapte cu luna plina si au hotarat sa invadeze iar Europa. Daca le-a mers acu 800 de ani, de ce nu ar merge si acum ?…si-au zis batranii lor sefi de triburi. Insa, tinerii i-au oprit si i-u trimis la culcare, la inceput s-au enervat si au protestat dar apoi au dormit foarte bine visand glorios la cum ne-ar fi cucerit daca ar fi fost lasati sa plece. Popoarele sunt ca oamenii, uneori nu ai ce dracu face si te culci, ma rog, bei ceva de visat dar tot la pat ajungi, iar adevarul este ca vremurile fac oamenii si nu oamenii vremurile. Asa dupa cum doar acele vremuri unice l-au creat pe Temugin, eroul din acest film, ce va ajunge cunoscut pana la noi sub numele infricosator de Genghins-Han. Niciun mongol de azi n-ar mai putea face asa ceva, pentru ca vremurile s-au schimbat iar ei au ramas inapoiati. Filmul e foarte bine facut, insa trebuie spus ca adevaratul Genghis-Han a fost cu mult mai crud si nenorocit decat cel prezentat idilic in acest film semi-istoric, caci la fel ca majoritatea filmelor nu respecta intocmai faptele, are si o latura usor supranaturala dubioasa dar normala pentru acele vremuri, asadar, luat la gramada, merita vazut si revazut.